Communication between traffic controller and mobile phone is through bluetooth/wifi for android and wifi for iPhone
This application enables the user to configure the traffic controller, make changes. Nearly all features can be configured using these mobile app
This application allows the user to completely monitor the traffic controller, current traffic flow, detector sensor enabled,allocation of time ,green time
This application also has the feature to generate activity and fault logs. Any kind of failure or recent activity are stored and displayed repective to their timing
Communication between traffic controller and mobile phone is through bluetooth/wifi for android and wifi for iPhone
This mobile application is supported on both 4000 and 4100 matc controller
The range for connectivity is 10 meters for bluetooth and 50 meters for wifi
User secuirty and authentication is required for this application to operate
This application is easy to use and has a very good graphical user interface
This application has optimum performance and shows a very good, remote connectivity